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‘tikirti’ is a performance piece in search of attune in relationings, narratives, politics of touch, and the space of the ‘spectacle’. Shaped with the frame of a ‘spectacle’; variables of time, space, incident, and relationing composed and juxtaposed in process of adaptation to this constant change of variables in order to survive, gives the body a new physical reality, which is not the one that it is used to in a society. Coming up with two visually distinctive characters, a pig and a hippie, we wanted to visually play with the perception of the subject in a spectacle, and the idea of expectation; maybe the behavioral expectation of homo sapiens trying to find a holistic meaning or connection through the spectated medium. With that in mind, we as both partners in collaboration and partners in life, always experiment around the dimensions of relationality and touch. How touch itself is not only a phenomenon happening or resulted between two bodies, but also a process of relation, a narrative, and how it contains distance. As Gerko Egert says, ‘Touch is a rhythm of relation and difference.’ 

rattling, first presented at the A Corner in the World Festival in May '19, got selected to the artist residency program of Neimenster, Luxembourg. In August '21, was performed in Aerowaves Dance Festival Luxembourg.

© 2019, by Su Güzey and Evrim Akyay

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