Quantum field theory suggests even when we take every detectable subatomic particle out of space, the space moves, with fluctuations.
What are the ‘reasons’ for these fluctuations?? If we are able to move any way we want to and not, if we are affected by powers that alter our motion, our journeys.. How can we acknowledge the effects of these powers, and adapt ourselves, our journeys, our movements in which we still find sovereignty and cracks to move in relation? How can we find sovereignty in movements? How can we find sovereignty when we dance? Where do we position dance.. Dance as practicing this awareness, acknowledgment, and empowerment that can offer times of intimacy. Through my movements, I offer errantry as a practice of sovereignty and an ethical relation between my body and world.
Can we search for a myth of relation, of staying in motion? Constant change against fixation, being stranded, being affected?
“It is tempting to draw a fixed threshold, but in doing so we are imposing fixity on something fundamentally flowing.” (Morris)
How can I pass through thresholds and yet be one? Or am I the threshold constantly in motion to let things pass through me?
Thinking errantry as a movement practice of reconsidering structures that hold habitual patterns of thinking, moving, being moved; of building, receiving and responding, and how to renavigate these structures in exile. Errantry is observation, a self-reflection, a poke, a nudge. Errantry is finding ways to become proximal with yourself to be able to become closer to the Other. Errantry is practicing an other, through a ‘poethical’ relationing.
I am practicing errantry in my relation to space and place, my relation to concepts and values, knowledge, and to movement. How I position myself in situations or in places/sites, how I perceive and create strategies, how I use my energy and effort. A question to phenomenology and epistemology. Errantry can offer fields of transit, thresholds of potentialities for transformation/transmission by integrating forms of movement and reflective practices. And errantry is the in between, errantry is the trans-. Errantry as sth mutable and always changing may offer practicing/sensing/peeking into multiple layers/levels/points in movement and in becoming, which can bring us closer to one another, practicing negotiation, sharing, assembly, shift and change.